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The Soul of Nature:
The Meaning of Ecological Spirituality

Copyright 1996 by Lynna Landstreet. Please don't reproduce or redistribute this paper without asking me first. I'll probably say yes if you do ask, but I do like to know where my work is going.

If you wish to cite this paper in your own work, the following format is suggested: Landstreet, Lynna. "The Soul of Nature: The Meaning of Ecological Spirituality." Unpublished paper, available electronically on Wild Ideas (http://www.wildideas.net).

This is better than using the specific URL of this document, because I may reorganize the directory structure of this site from time to time, causing the addresses of specific pages to change.

Due to the extreme length of this document, I have (finally!) broken it into a number of separate pages, as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Enviromentalism and the sacred
  3. The sacred defined
  4. Spiritual experience as transformative
  5. "Despairwork" -- spirituality and activist burnout
  6. Immanence and animism in the West
  7. Monotheism and scientific atheism
  8. Three axes of change
  9. Magic and the problem of belief
  10. The cultural and historical specificity of disbelief
  11. The resurgence of spirituality in the West
  12. The birth of neopaganism
  13. Spiritual deep ecology
  14. Spirituality, culture and identity
  15. Tensions and commonalities between neo-paganism and deep ecology
  16. Conclusions and endnotes

If you want to print it out, you can still find the full paper in one document here.


All content copyright 1999-2006 by the individual authors, where cited, or by Lynna Landstreet where not specifically credited.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

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This page last modified: January 29, 2006


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